Thursday, April 16, 2015


Celine Trapeze Bag

I am proud to say that everything "unnecessary" but those that I really wanted, I have tried to provide it by myself. Not trying to be corny, but as a full-time student and only working for short terms, it does take a while to have enough savings. Yet, the satisfaction and excitement when you can finally go to the store and bring the "baby" home cannot be compared when you haven't put in the hard work and the waiting. Thus, one bag every one or two years is reasonable. I also consider myself more of a shoe girl than a bag girl, so I always buy more shoes.
With receiving more frequent sunshine, I wanted something more vibrant. Still unable to give up some edginess, it felt uncomfortable getting something out-right bright. "Celineish" with its clean lines, the trapeze bag is vibrant enough (at least for me) with the pop-out blue and soft white that looks perfect for summer. The bottom black piece satisfies the edginess and sophistication still. The bottom black also decreases the maintenance as you don't have to worry as much as where you are landing it. With plenty of space to carry all of my day time carry-ons, this is my happily invested 2015 goodie sack. 

There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs. 

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